Every year, 18-19 thousand are detected in Poland. breast cancer incidence. Nearly 6 thousand patients die from this cancer every year. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women worldwide. Data available in the media show that throughout the European Union, a new case of breast cancer is reported every 2,5 minutes, and one woman dies from this disease every 6 minutes.

There is a need to increase the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment. The guidelines of the European Society of Mastology (EUSOM) recommend the introduction of multidisciplinary breast cancer treatment centers, the so-called BREAST UNIT, ensuring comprehensive and safe treatment and shortening the time between individual stages of therapy.

From this year, effective fight against breast cancer in Poland will be facilitated by the model of comprehensive oncological care (so-called KON-Pierś). The medical facilities implementing it provide patients with coordinated therapy from the moment of diagnosis, through surgical treatment, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, to rehabilitation and monitoring the long-term effects of treatment. Specialist Hospital named after L. Rydygiera and the Krakow Branch of the National Institute of Oncology are the first facilities in Małopolska that have signed contracts with the Małopolska Provincial Branch of the National Health Fund for comprehensive oncological care for patients with breast cancer.

The Amethyst Radiotherapy Center is part of this comprehensive therapy at the Specialized Teaching Hospital. L. Rydygier. Amethyst's medical team uses individual solutions, closely tailored to the patient's medical history.

We choose the best path based on knowledge and medical guidelines, clinical trials and publications. After analyzing all the solutions, we recommend the most effective method to the patient, but the decision ultimately rests with himWe consistently focus on the progressive individualization of treatment, because not only the effect of the treatment itself is important, but also the patient's quality of life after the therapy. - underlines Dr. Marcin Hetnał.

The Amethyst Radiotherapy Center uses various treatment methods, including brachytherapy, which plays a particularly important role in the treatment of breast cancer. It is most often used after surgical removal of a breast tumor. Its aim is to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. In some well-defined cases, it can be used alone (APBI - accelerated partial breast irradiation, accelerated irradiation of the square of the breast where the tumor was located). More often, however, it is combined with teleradiotherapy of the entire breast or breast and regional lymph nodes in order to administer a higher dose in the area after the removed tumor. Brachytherapy is particularly beneficial for patients whose margins of healthy tissue between the tumor and the border of the surgical incision are narrow and amount to several millimeters.

At the Amethyst Radiotherapy Center, treatment that takes into account a holistic approach to the patient, combined with all aspects of his life, is important. Emotions, attitude towards the world and way of thinking largely influence the patient's health condition and, therefore, the course of treatment. Therefore, patients of the Krakow center and their families can benefit from the help and advice of a psycho-oncologist and a dietitian specializing in nutrition supporting the treatment of oncological diseases.

More information about comprehensive oncological care for breast cancer in Małopolska