World Cancer Day (World Cancer Day) we celebrate 4 February. The holiday was established in 2000 during the World Cancer Summit in Paris. The meeting adopted the Paris Charter, under which the governments of the countries that signed it committed to create programs to prevent and treat cancer. World Cancer Day is an important opportunity to express symbolic solidarity with cancer patients who fight this difficult disease on a daily basis. It can also encourage each of us to reflect on taking care of our health, prevention and check-ups. We are not helpless in the face of cancer. We can consciously counteract them.

30-50 percent 30% of cancer cases are related to smoking. overweight and obese. If we do not change our lifestyle, we face a real epidemic of cancer. That's why it was created European Code Against Cancer. You can read his records here:

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Many studies prove that through a healthy lifestyle and everyday choices, we can reduce the risk of many diseases, including cancer. It is worth thinking about the future now to enjoy a healthy life as long as possible.

Obesity, smoking and lack of exercise are important factors that increase the risk of developing cancer. The risk of developing cancer increases proportionally as the amount of fat in the body increases. Maintaining a healthy weight is therefore crucial to health.

By making the right dietary choices, you can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and many chronic diseases. A diet rich in plant-based foods, whole grains and legumes provides the body with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary to maintain good health. Limit your alcohol consumption. Abstinence helps prevent cancer.

The relationship between physical activity and health and reducing the risk of developing many types of cancer has been well documented in scientific research. Regular exercise reduces the risk of breast, prostate, lung, colon and digestive cancer. Reducing the risk of cancer is directly proportional to the level of physical activity.

Movement is health - this saying is true at any age and in any health condition. A dose of 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, has a preventive effect. It's even better for your health if you can find time for physical exercise five times a week. The health benefits are immediate and it's never too late to start making changes to your lifestyle. Physical activity does not have to involve practicing any sport. It's worth walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of using the elevator, starting the day with a few stretching exercises or signing up for a Nordic walking course.

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and do not use solariums.