Registration for vaccination against Covid-10 began on March 19 for people with severe, chronic diseases. Yeah the group includes oncology patients who underwent chemotherapy or radiotherapy after December 31, 2019. In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 5, 2021, at this stage, vaccinations covered patients who had undergone oncological treatment in the last fourteen months.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health guarantee that most referrals for vaccination for cancer patients are issued automatically. To check whether an e-referral has been issued, log in to the Online Patient Account or call your primary health care clinic.

Getting vaccinated does not require a separate consultation with an oncologist. Previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment is NOT a contraindication to vaccination. Cancer patients are a group with reduced immunity, so vaccination against Covid-19 is particularly important for them.

The Amethyst Radiotherapy Center does not issue certificates related to admission to vaccinations. The decision on qualification for vaccination is made by the doctor at the vaccination point. The patient should present information cards about the therapy received at our center.