Specialist Hospital named after Ludwik Rydygiera in Kraków was rated the highest by cancer patients in the ranking of friendly oncology hospitals in Małopolska. The list was prepared by the Alivia Foundation based on opinions expressed on the Onkomapa website. Hospital Rydygiera received a rating of 4,5/5. In this center, patients emphasize the very high level of care provided by medical staff.

The Amethyst Radiotherapy Center is part of the comprehensive oncological care provided by the Specialist Hospital. Rydygiera in Krakow.

The next place in Małopolska is taken by the University Hospital in Krakow, with a rating of 4,1/5.

The highest rating in the country was awarded to the Independent Public Clinical Hospital. A. Mielęcki Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. 4,7 patients rated this center 5/198. Patients in this center highly evaluate the treatment method and the care of the medical staff. The next place was taken by the Zamość Private Hospital (4,6/5). Krakow's Rydygier hospital is third in this nationwide ranking.

The Alivia Foundation runs the publicly available Onkomapa portal, where patients and their loved ones can express their opinions about 108 hospitals and almost 3,5 thousand. doctors working there. The evaluation covers facilities that, under a contract with the National Health Fund, perform at least two of three procedures: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and oncological surgery. The rating is measured on a scale from 1 to 5 and covers the organization and method of treatment, care of medical staff, respect for patients' rights and their comfort. Over the last 12 months, the portal was visited by over 175. users who left almost 2,5 thousand opinions. For the purposes of the ranking of oncology-friendly hospitals, facilities that received more than 150 opinions were taken into account.

The entire ranking https://alivia.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2021/07/ONKOMAPA_.pdf